$5.00 Off $45.00 Or More June Sale!!
Take $5.00 off your purchase of $45 or more starting Saturday June 12th - Friday June 18th!!Different piranha sizes now available for purchase per your request!- Less than 1 inch- 1 to 2 inches- 2 to 3 inches- 4 to 5 inches- 5+ inchesNew products have arrived!Blue Paradise FishCroaking Gourami Trichopsis vittata24-Karat Gold Dust MollyAlbino Tiger BarbsPolar Blue Convict Parrot Cichlid5" Mayan Red Terror Cichlid3"-4" Jack Dempsey CichlidFiremouth Meeki CichlidElectric Blue Johanni CichlidNeolamp
Jun 12th 2021
Whit's Fish Now Available
Hello Everyone!!
We are Ty and Nikki and we are proud to present you with Whit's Fish
now exclusively at Trin's Fish! We specialize in providing our clients
with top quality guppies for an affordable price. Several years ago I
found myself really wanting to purchase some unique and beautiful
guppies, but I found myself only to find top quality guppies overseas.
After several attempts to purchase guppies overseas from various well
known breeders I realized that paying (overseas ship
Feb 12th 2020
Happy Easter New Stock Recently Added 4/21/2019
Happy Easter!We have some cool fish in stock right now, free shipping on orders over $100 promo code FREE100www.trinsfish.comCelestial Pearl DaniosLongfin Panda Cory CatsDwarf Emerald RasboraPeacock GudgeonsSajica CichlidPea PuffersOrange Laser Cory CatsClown LoachesDanio KyathitFundulopanchax gardneri "Gold" KillifishLancer CatfishAphyosemion pyrophore 'Komono RPC 82' KillifishGuppiesNannostomus Eques PencilfshL240 Galaxy Vampire PlecoMale/Female Motoro Stingray PupsBlue Banded BushfishZebra Ac
Apr 21st 2019
New Stock Recently Added 8/12/2018
Mantilla x Black Diamond Stingray Pups Golden Dwarf Barb 8" Jardini Arowana Synodontis Pardalis Synodontis Orientalis Vampire Shrimp 12" Polypterus Endlicheri Endlicheri 8" Polypterus Retropinnis 8" Polypterus Ornatipinnis Bichir 8" Polypterus Palmas Polli Bichir 9" Polypterus Delhezi Bichir 8" Polypterus Weeksii Bichir 5" Synodontis Ornatipinnis Black Kuhli Loach Bullseye Gulf Puffer 5" Polypterus Mokelembembe African Tiger Scat Striped Kuhli Exodon Paradoxus Bucktooth Piranha Tetra Tetraod
Aug 12th 2018
New Stock Recently Added 6/17/2018
6" Jardini Pearl Arowana YoYo Lohachata Botia Blue Velvet Shrimp Amano Shrimp Cherry Red Shrimp Platinum Blue Cobra Guppy Red Racer Nerite Snail Kubotai Neon Green Rasbora Tiger Borneo Sucker Loach Neon Yellow Guppy Rainbow Multicolor Blue Mosaic Guppy Lemon Tetra Neon Rainbow Fish Nerite SNails Red Belly Piranha Clown Pleco Celestial Pearl Danio Clown Loach Lizard Loach Ghost Glass Catfish Microsynodontis Batesi Dwarf Bumblebee Catfish African Dwarf Frog Panda Garra Neon Rainbow Lemon Tetr
Jun 17th 2018