New Stock Recently Added 8/21/2016
New fish available this week Large Aba Aba Knife Purple Rose Queen Cichlid Albino Bichir Endlicheri Bichir Pink Tail Chalceus Rainbow Wolf Fish Shovlenose / Redtail Hybrid Catfish Spotted Gar Tiger Shovelnose Catfish Sterbai Cory Celestial Pearl Danio
Aug 21st 2016
New Stock Recently Added 8/14/2016
New fish added / back in stock this week5" Golden Dorado Kubotai Neon Green Rasbora Golden Nugget PlecoAlbino Gibbiceps Sailfin PlecoLeopard Sailfin PlecoKelberi Peacock Bass Pearl GouramiHabrosus Dwarf Corydoras Bandit CichlidLots of plants back in stock as wellAmmania Bacopa Cabomba Hygro Willow Ludwigia Cuba Ludwigia Dark Red Ludwigia Peruensis Ludwigia Repens Mermaid Weed Rotala Wallichii Scarlet Temple Anubias CoffeefoliaJava Fern Java Fern MatsWater Sprite Indian FernWater Sprite LaceleafD
Aug 14th 2016
New Stock Recently Added 8/7/2016
New fish added this week Farlowella Twig Catfish 4" Humphead Flowerhorn 15" Delhezi Polypterus Bichir 5" Jaguar Managuense Cichlid YoYo Lohachata Botia Loach Orange Sunkist Shrimp Freshwater Snowflake Moray Eel 6" Silver Arowana 8" Green Terror 7" Asain Redtail Catfish 7" Redtail Catfish 9" Atabapo Red Pike Cichlid 15" Water Cow Monster Goby 4" Flier/Centrarchus Cichlid Paratilapia Polleni Cichlid 6" Jardini Arowana
Aug 7th 2016
New Stock Recently Added 7/31/2016
New stock added this week10" Red Devil CichlidGold Jack Dempsey Cichlid7" Female Motoro Stingray7" Male Motoro Stingray 7" Black Spot Eel16" Aba Aba KnifeSynodontis Macrops CatfishBlue Snakeskin DiscusPigeon Blood DiscusRed Turquoise DiscusBlue Turquoise DiscusBlue Diamond Discus5" Electric Blue Ahli Cichlid Male5" Tilapia Buttikofferi CichlidLarge GoldfishOrchid EndlersBlack Bar EndlersYoYo Lohachata Botia LoachPeacock EelLots of new plants here are a few that looked really good this weekRed Ru
Jul 31st 2016
New Stock Recently Added 7/24/2016
New fish added to the website this weekJack Dempsey CichlidBlue Paradise FishOrnate Ctenopoma AnsorgiiSynodontis Nigrita Gold CatfishKing Dojo Loach LargeTrue Red Terror CichlidSouth American LungfishWhiptail CatfishFreshwater LionfishGold Marble AngelfishBlack Ghost KnifeRiot PlatySpotted Rubber Lip PlecoBlue Pearl ShrimpBamboo Shrimp8" Yellow Fin Chalceus11" Shovlenose / Redtail Hybrid Catfish5" King Kong Pink Blood Parrot Cichlid
Jul 24th 2016