1 Red Hook Metynnis (Myloplus rubripinnis) 2 inches in size.
Maxium Standard Length: 10 inches (25cm)
Water Conditions:
Temperature: 73-81°F (23-27°C)
pH: 6.0 – 7.0
Hardness: =< 10°H
Diet: Algae wafters, peas, cucumber slices, spirulina, and vegetable flakes. They also love bloodwors and brineshrimp.
Behaviour and Compatibility: May eat smaller fish but will live in a peaceful community with larger peaceful tankmates. They mainly occupy the middle and top areas of the tank. Selecting tankmates that hang out on the bottom like catfish and plecos similar in size are good for contrast.
Maintenance: This species is a heavy plant eater hardy plants will still need to be replaced. Good quality fake plants will work well. These are nervous fish so dim lighting and plenty of hiding places will bring them the most joy and boost their confidence.