1 Unsexed Geophagus Balzanii Cichlid AKA Balzani's Earth Eater in varying sizes approximately 1 to 3 inches.
Maxium Standard Length: Males 8" Females 6"
Males are larger and more colourful than females, they also display a large nuchal hump once they are mature.
Water Conditions:
Temperature: 72-80°F
pH: 6.5 - 7
Hardness: 5-19 °d
Diet: May eat snails, meaty diet consisting of pellets, worms, brine shrimp, tubiflex. Feeding once or twice per day depending on your feeding method
Behaviour and Compatibility: Generally peaceful can get territorial however. Will bury in soft substrate, can be kept with other fish like silver dollars and catfish. Again may eat snails.
Maintenance: This fish is a burrower so soft sandy substrate or fine gravel is a must. Due to this, only potted plants or plants bound to décor would survive. Floating plants will work and large smooth flat rocks arranged to provide a basking spot and a cave is best. They also enjoy wood to hide and lay around.