Blue Diamond Discus

  • Blue Diamond Discus
  • Blue Diamond Discus

Out of stock


Blue Diamond Discus approximately 2 1/2 inches


Maxium Standard Length:


Water Conditions:

          Temperature: 80 - 86°F

          pH: 6.8 - 7.2

          Hardness: 150ppm

Diet:  A high protein pellet and flake foods. Tubiflex worms, white worms, blood worms. Juvenile Discus should be fed multiple times a day.


Behaviour and Compatibility:  They can be kept with loaches, cory cats, plecos, algae eaters ottocinlus, rainbow fish.


Maintenance:  Enjoys low to medium water currents. A habitat with plenty of plants and branching roots. Discus can thrive in a wider range of water parameters as long as the changes are not sudden and the fish has adequate time to adjust to change.

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