Otocinclus Catfish


Out of stock

Frequently bought together:


Otocinclus catfish approximately 1+ inch in size


Maxium Standard Length:  1 1/2 - 1 3/4 inches (40 - 45 mm)

Water Conditions:

           Temperature:  69 - 77 °F  (21 – 25 °C)

          pH6.0 – 7.5

          Hardness36 – 179 ppm

Diet:  Vegetarian, it feeds on algae and aufwuch in its habitat. When introduced to an aquarium, there should be a good supply of common green algae or diatoms (brown algae) present or a good biofilm on plant leaves and other surfaces such as in an established aquarium, otherwise the fish may well starve.

 Peaceful with other species but does not make an ideal community fish due to its small size and rather timid nature. Ideally it should be kept alone or at most with diminutive, non-aggressive fish.

Requires a mature, densely-planted set-up, ideally with floating vegetation and roots, twigs or branches to add structural complexity. Dried leaf litter can also be added if you wish and will be grazed by the fish as it decomposes.

Use gentle filtration; an air-powered sponge-style unit should prove adequate in most cases. This species requires stable water conditions and should never be added to an immature aquarium.





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